
Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

The Biewer Terrier, or Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, is a silky, long-haired terrier very similar to the Yorkie. They were developed in Germany and carry a lot of Yorkie genetics. They are a fairly recent addition to the AKC purebred registry. They usually come in tri-color; black and white with gold or brown markings around the… Continue reading Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ~ Available Puppies

The cavalier King Charles spaniel, aka simply cavalier, could arguably be considered the ultimate loyal personal companion dog, or family dog.

Mini Goldencavadoodle Available Puppies

The mini goldencavadoodle is a new designer breed that comes from crossing a mini poodle with a mini golden retriever. Hence the 3 way cross because a mini golden is usually a cross between a golden retriever and a cavalier.

Mini Golden Retrievers Available Puppies

The mini golden retriever is a hybrid/designer breed that originates from crossing a golden retriever with a ruby-colored cavalier King Charles spaniel, and sometimes a small percentage of mini poodle. Ideal size is 25-30 lb as adults.